Helicopter services and charter through HeliWing

HeliWing Helicopter is a marketing portal that offers expertise in helicopter services . With the unique Flight Generator program from Heliticket AS, you can get price and book assignments online anytime of the day.

How much does it cost to rent Helicopter

Helicopter is an expensive tool . Through the Flight Generator program from Heliticket AS , you also have the opportunity to see other people’s missions, or post your own missions so you can share costs. Whether it iis a helicopter transport and cargo transiting cottages and materials , or seats on passenger transport from one place to another .

Helicopter services consultants

Do you have a request for large helicopter missions and are unfamiliar with the industry ?

HeliWing may  and can assist with :
  • Contract Negotiations
  • Price models for helicopter services
  • Operator evaluation helicopter companies
  • Mission requirements to implementation
  • Competence requirements helicopter pilots
  • Laws and regulations in aviation
  • Tender invitations major helicopter missions
  • Framework agreements helicopter services
  • Event composition by helicopter

Payment is directly between you and the helicopter operator.

Many factors to consider in helicopter rental and charter

Helicopter charter has many elements that affect the cost of the mission. We know them all and can help you find the right price without surprises after the jobb is done. What does it cost to fly a helicopter ? or , What does it cost to fly a cottage of 70 sqm ? These are questions we get hundreds of times duringn the season. The answer you get from all, is price per hour flying ! But what does the final price add up to ? Then HeliWing can help you with expertise and give you a fixed price without the risk of additional expenses. Are you having the new furniture in the cabin for example . ? HeliWing have options that are both cost-effective and fast . Large or small jobs . We help you with helicopter services for all assignments sizes and performed by specialists at authorized operators flying missions .

Helicopter rental of EC120 Colibri in Norway
Helicopter rental and charter to all destinations in Norway
Helicopter rental charter and hire in Norway

 Consultants in HeliWing with extensive experience both as pilots and sales management in the helicopter industry can be profitable investment to engage .

 Permits from the Civil Aviation Authorities

Helicopter Services with pilots and operators that flies the missions , all have commercial transport pilot license for helicopters . They fly daily missions with operators in Norway . We use the best operational expertise and offers market experience , creativity and good solutions for those who may need a helicopter. Several have extensive professional experience from various other sectors . Helicopter is not as expensive as people think . Ordering helicopter rental or helicopter service through the portal of HeliWing – Operators flying helicopter services are always approved and has all the permits from the Civil Aviation Authority for helicopter rental for the specific needs you have .

Helicopter news
Heliwing hjelper deg  med alle helikopter leie spørsmål
Heliwing hjelper deg med alle helikopter leie spørsmål
Store eller små oppdrag, Taxi, Lasteflyging, Utdrikningslag eller Sightseeing. Konsulent tjenester ved større anbud og prosjekt oppdrag. Ta kontakt for tilbud fra kjente operatører