Cheaper helicopter from abroad?
Helicopter safety is as relevant and followed as closely by foreign helicopter companies as Norwegian . It is common European air provisions within EU and EEA for commercial helicopter operations . Foreign helicopter companies are often hired to enter into contracts in Norway . In the same way that Norwegian companies are hired for assignments abroad. The foreign helicopter company , however, must obtain a permit from the country’s aviation authority .
See Print from CAA Authority : Helicopter Safety and foreign companies .
Requirements for foreign Helicopter companies :
- Approved in own country
- Helicopter type approved in Norway
- Approved procedures for assignment
- Paid fee
You should check :
- Permission from CAA
- Votes characteristics with permission
- The fee is paid
- Need one or more licenses
Regulations on fees for foreign helicopter companies
§ 27. International Helicopter Operators and airlines
( 1) For an application from foreign airlines for permission Aerial Work or air transport within Norway outside airport for public use , fee to be paid NOK 2,100 per license