Safe Embarkation and Disembarkation of the Helicopter

Important for helicopter safety – Ensure that the helicopter pilot sees you and has given signs that you can approach the helicopter. Never approach before OK signal is given. Always approach the helicopter from the front – Never go back. Never be in a hurry ! . It is no issue to be as fast as possible in and out of for helicopter safety . Watch the video on the right. It shows a good culture of safety for passengers with the rotor running.

Helicopter Safety - Entry and Exit of Helicopter


Rotor in motion is an important helicopter safety issue . It is dangerous when at full speed , and very flexible . In gusts it can flex and bend blades almost to the ground.

Helikoptersikkerhet og Vindkast

Always keep a watchful eye on the rotor blades when approaching . Especially in sloping terrain. Never approach the helicopter from above on sloping terrain .

Helicopter Safety - Approaching in sloping terrain

Did you bring long objects during embarkation ? Always keep these low and horizontally. Never vertically. They can go in the rotor and creating extremely dangerous situations .

Helicopter Safety - Danger ! Long Object
Helicopter news
Embarking and disembarking the helicopter
Embarking and disembarking the helicopter
Important for helicopter safety – Ensure that the helicopter pilot sees you and has given signs that you can approach the helicopter. Never approach before OK signal is given.