Tandem Skydive from Helicopter can be purchased by anyone who meets the requirements

Would you like to try or give away a tandem skydive from helicopter for a specific occasion and NOT as part of a course or introduction to the sport ?

Anyone who wants Tandem Skydive as a one-time experience and not as a part of a class in skydivinf and having normal health can participate in tandem skydive from helicopter . Only Tandemhopp Fallksjermsenter can do this legally in Norway .

Here are the requirements :

  • Be at least 16 years of age.
  • Do not suffer from diabetes , epilepsy or heart defects .
  • Maximum weight : 100 kg .
  • Maximum height : 200 cm .
  • Approved medical certificate if you are over 65 years . (Must be presented upon attendance)
  • Tandem skydiver must not be influenced by drugs or alcohol
Tandem Skydive From Helicopter Norway Who can Participate