Cancellation or reduction of original booking must be in writing to the operator. This is free of charge until 30 days before the agreed tour, provided it is not agreed otherwise. If canceled or modified phone, it is considered effective and valid when confirmed by email. Customer has the burden of proof that cancellation or amendment has been accepted.
Have you ordered a mission, you can cancel or change until four weeks before. After this there is a fee equivalent to 25% of the assignment turnover plus VAT. If cancellation less than 7 days before departure, the full payment is due . Cancelling a confirmed booking due to missing landing permission or not granted landing permission, regardless of who has applied for it, is charged with 25% of the total sum incl vat. If client fails to show up for a booked trip, and without being able to prove that the written cancellation or change is made, the full amount including VAT for payment is due. We will move the booking to another date due the same fee.

If technical factors should make the confirmed and not yet commenced trip or mission impossible, the terms under “Weather and technical conditions” apply.
The company will do the best to provide replacement transport at the same price. If this is not possible, cancel the mission. Under such circumstances consequential costs are excluded . Conditions under
the weather and technical conditions will apply when applicable.