General helicopter prices are listed in a separate link on the main page, and is specified in NOK at Hourly rate. Counting from start of engine until it stops after flying (rotor time). Waiting and landing fees are additional.
It can also offer fixed rates for helicopter services. See also “prices”. For all types of fixed-price offer, those under the condition that the weather permits flying in direct straight line to the destination and back. Waiting and landingfees are in addition. By aborted flight due to weather conditions. Transport of passengers by alternative transport to destination without extra charge if possible. In other respects, the conditions clauses are pointed out. Compensation is not granted.
By weather that precludes direct route, it comes an addition for elapsed time that exceeds the direct route would have entailed. Additions are at published rate. When calculating costs for hourly rate, remember that time is running from the helicopter taking off from airfield or base, until it is back. For type Robinson 44 counted time in decimals by whole hour. Ie in 6 and 6 minutes at a time. VAT Tax for helicopter services is 12% by passenger and 25% for suspended loads .On certain helicopter other services , the VAT is 25%. Unless specifically written are all prices in offers and quotes excluding VAT. When paying by credit card, a surcharge of 3.4% applies. Most airports have landing fee. Also called start fee. This varies by airport and helicopter type and can cost up to 2500 kr. There are higher costs for extended hours. Waiting on the ground have their own tariffs based on helicopter type and duration. See the section titled “Waiting on the ground”. By overnight flights, actual costs for pilot apply.